Thursday, July 29, 2010

Days 10-11

Day 10

Worthless and Worthwhile

Read 1 Samuel 1-3.

As you read, watch for the answers to the following questions.
Who was Eli?
Who were Samuel’s parents?
Who were Eli’s sons?
What did Eli’s sons do that was so bad?
How did the Lord call Samuel?
What was Eli’s response when he found out what the Lord told Samuel?

After reading and answering the questions, spend time in prayer.
Thank God for loving you. Thank God for what He has done in your life in the past few months. Ask God to prepare you for serving Him so that you will not be worthless like Eli’s sons.

Day 11

A New Leader

Read 1 Samuel 8:19-13.

As you read, watch for the answers to the following questions.
What request did the people of Israel make that made the Lord unhappy?
Who was the person chosen as king?
How did Saul run into Samuel?
What did Saul do to defeat the Ammonites?
What did Samuel say in his farewell address to Israel?
How did Saul mess up and lose the Lord’s blessing?

After reading and answering the questions, spend time in prayer.
Thank God for giving you the Bible to read. Thank God for preserving a record of how men and women of old followed Him faithfully. Ask God to help you grow in wisdom and knowledge of Him.

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