Thursday, July 29, 2010

Days 12-13

Day 12

The Future of the Nation

Read 1 Samuel 16-20.

As you read, watch for the answers to the following questions.
Who was anointed King of Israel as Saul’s replacement?
How did Samuel find Him?
What did David do that made him famous in Israel?
How did Saul respond to David getting better press than Saul?
Who was Jonathan?
What did Saul do to try to kill David?

After reading and answering the questions, spend time in prayer.
Express to God how grateful you are for His love. Ask Him to teach you how to love people the way that He does. Thank the Lord for the plans He has for your future.

Day 13


Read 2 Samuel 11-12:25.

As you read, watch for the answers to the following questions.
What was David’s first mistake?
Who was Bathsheba?
What did David do to Uriah? Did this please the Lord?
Who was Nathan?
What happened to David and Bathsheba’s first child? Who was their second child?

After reading and answering the questions, spend time in prayer.
Ask God to show you what you are doing wrong. Ask for His forgiveness. Thank Him for loving you despite your mistakes.

Understanding the Old Testament: David is in the lineage of Jesus. Jesus is the descendant who will sit on the throne of David and rule forever.

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