Day 8
Don’t Judge Me
Read Joshua 1:1. Continue as far as you can in the given time.
As you read watch for the answers to the following questions.
Did the Israelites complete the conquest of the land as God had commanded them to?
Why did the Lord begin to raise up judges?
What made the judges so special? (Hint: 2:18)
Did the Lord drive out the nations that Israel left in the land?
List the first five judges as they appear in Scripture.
Which judge killed people with an ox goad?
What happened after a judge would deliver Israel? (Hint: 2:18-24)
After reading and answering the questions, spend time in prayer. Thank God for His watch and care over us. Thank Him for His faithfulness despite our unfaithfulness. Tell God about how your life is a lot like the way the Israelites were in the book of Judges.
Day 9
The Start of Something Good
Read the entire book of Ruth (it’s only 4 chapters).
As you read, watch for the answers to the following questions.
Who was Ruth’s husband and mother-in-law?
What happened to Ruth’s husband?
Who did Ruth meet that was a possible new husband?
Why was Boaz a good guy?
How did Ruth announce her desire to be with Boaz?
What is a kinsman redeemer?
After reading and answering the questions, spend time in prayer.
Thank God for redeeming you and making a way for everyone to be redeemed. Ask God to prepare you for your future spouse and to prepare him or her for you.
Understanding the Old Testament: Boaz and Ruth are found in the lineage of Jesus. Boaz was the kinsman redeemer (a redeemer from within the family, next-of-kin) for Ruth, like Christ is the kinsman redeemer for both Jews and Gentiles (for all within the human race).
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