Friday, August 13, 2010

Day 23

Day 23

Resisting Temptation

Read Matthew 4:1-4.

When Jesus wandered in the desert, Satan tempted Him first by appealing to His physical need of hunger. Satan knew a potential weakness of Jesus and attacked. Notice how Jesus responded to the enemy’s attack in verse 4. He responded with Truth. How do you respond to Satan’s attacks?

How do you sense the enemy attacking you personally?

Read Matthew 4:5-7.

Again, Satan tempted Jesus, this time by appealing to His power. Yet Jesus resisted the enemy’s temptation. Jesus consistently used the Word of God to rebuke Satan and His lies. What lies of Satan have you believed?

Read Matthew 4:8-11.

One last time, Satan tempted Jesus, and Jesus’ response is the same: Truth. Jesus resisted the devil’s schemes in tempting His hunger, physical security, and His heart. In what areas of your life are you tempted? How do you resist?

Through proclaiming Truth, Jesus caused the devil to flee and allowed angels to attend to Him.

Pray now asking God for the strength to resist temptation in your life. Thank Jesus for setting the example for how we are to react to Satan’s lies. Ask Him to show you clearly lies that you have believed and ask Him to abolish those lies in your life. Commit to “worship the Lord your God, and serve Him only,” as Jesus did in verse 10.

What has God spoken to you about as you’ve read and prayed through these Scriptures?

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