Friday, August 13, 2010

Day 27

Day 27

Following Him

Read Luke 12:8-9.

Jesus expressed a simple, yet profound message: Confess Him and He will confess you. And vice-versa. What does it mean to confess Christ? Do you confess Him on a daily basis in your life? Why or why not?

Read Luke 12:49-53.

Confessing Jesus as Lord in our lives will not always be easy. In fact, even Jesus Himself said that it will cause great division to follow Him. Are you willing to sacrifice relationships with others in order to confess Christ and follow Him?

Spend some time in prayer. Ask the Lord to search your heart and know your desires. Tell Him about your struggles and victories in confessing and following Him. Ask Him for strength and courage to stand firm for Him.

Read Luke 25-33.

Along with following Christ comes a high price. Being sold out for Him means that we are sold out for nothing else, but rather, we forsake all else for the purpose of following and knowing Him. Is there anything in your life that hinders you from following Christ completely? What is standing in your way? Spend some time praying and write down things that the Lord may be leading you to give up in order to follow Him.

Thank the Lord for the opportunity to follow Him. Praise Him for His mercy and grace in guiding your steps as you learn to confess and follow Him. Ask for His continued guidance and discernment in forsaking anything that hinders your following of Him.

What has God spoken to you about as you’ve read and prayed through these Scriptures?

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