Day 26
Jesus walks on water
Read Matthew 14:22-26.
Jesus was off alone, doing His own thing when a storm rises up, stirring fear in the hearts of the disciples out to sea. Naturally, Jesus tended to them, and their immediate reaction to the Lord is one of fear. How do you react in the midst of a storm? Do you respond with fear when Jesus shows up?
Read Matthew 14:27.
Notice Jesus’ reaction to the disciples’ fear. He commanded them not only to ditch the fear, but to actually do the opposite and, “Be of good cheer!” This required a change of attitude for the disciples, a change of trust from their circumstances to their Savior. What or who do you trust in times of trouble? How does your attitude need to change? Spend a few minutes asking God to search your heart and help you adjust your perspective. Confess to Him how you’ve been handling the storms and commit to trusting Him no matter what your circumstances.
Read Matthew 14:28-29.
Even though Jesus had already instructed the disciples to shift their attitudes, Peter doubted and questioned the Lord. In what areas of your life do you doubt? Make a list of ways you struggle with trusting Jesus.
Read Matthew 14:31-32.
Peter’s perspective shifted from doubt to faith and back to doubt again. But notice how Jesus dealt with Him. Jesus continued to stretch out His hand and catch Peter, in spite of his lack of trust. Jesus challenged Peter with a simple question: “Why did you doubt?” Why do you doubt? What is Jesus offering to lead you through right now? Will you trust Him?
Read Matthew 14:33.
Only with Jesus’ power is the impossible made possible. Only through trusting Him are we able to truly worship Him as the Son of God. Spend a few minutes worshiping God. Praise Him for His power and presence in your life. Thank Him for His grace in extending His hand in spite of our doubt.
What has God spoken to you about as you’ve read and prayed through these Scriptures?
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