Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Day 29

Day 29

Jesus’ final hours

Read Luke 22:31-34.

Jesus predicted that Peter would deny Him. He knew that the end was coming, but that didn’t stop Jesus from seeking fellowship with the Father and encouraging His disciples to do the same and to also be on guard against temptation. It was no coincidence that Jesus knew of Peter’s future betrayal and then warned His friends of the temptation. Why would Jesus warn Peter of his betrayal? What good does it do for Peter to know in advance?

Read Luke 22:39-41.

In Jesus’ final hours on earth, He retreated. He sought the Father in a solitary place and asked his disciples to keep watch while He prayed. Notice He said to His disciples, “Pray that you may not enter into temptation.” Why would Jesus instruct them to pray against temptation? How are you at following Jesus’ instructions to pray against temptation?

Read Luke 22:41-44.

In this passage, Jesus offered an honest yearning to the Father. Notice His plea: “Father, if it is Your will, take this cup away from Me; nevertheless not My will, but Yours, be done.” Jesus knows the agony He is about to endure and, in His humanness, asks that the Father intervene. But in the same breath, He willingly submitted to the Father’s plan, acknowledging His power and authority. Are you so willing to submit to the Father’s plans, even if it means dying?

Spend some minutes in prayer. Consider your heart and open yourself honestly to the Father, as Jesus did in the garden. Tell the Lord where you honestly stand in surrendering to His will.

Read Luke 22:45-46.

When Jesus found His disciples sleeping, He again encouraged them to pray and fight against temptation. Spend some time asking the Lord to help you resist temptation in your life. Ask for His power and might to guide your steps so that you might fulfill His call, that He would not catch you sleeping in the hour of need.

What has God spoken to you about as you’ve read and prayed through these Scriptures?

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